
I am moving out of the Ronald McDonald house. Not that I find it that bad, despite the array of beer cans strewn around the place, and the 4am wake up calls when it's that time of day in Yves nocturnal existance to start drinking. But there's an empty bed in my room that will invariably be filled when McDonald's decides to employ another spotty person - so Im getting out before that happens! I wasn't looking to move, but three French girls asked if I wanted to fill the spare room in their place and I think all up, its a good deal. Not having a camera of my own, I have been rellying on the web for pics. For this entry I searched 'Three French Girls' but the images Google found were a tad too blue for this blog. So instead of three French girls, I decided to go with this picture. It's a good one - it's me dressed up as Ronald. This is how I feel about working at the Golden Arches. Now granted, my intelligence may not suggest that I'm about to split the atom anytime soon, but these 8 hours shift of repetitive mind-numbing tasks are just too much, or too little. I generally don't mind customer service but there is no social component to the interaction. They bark the orders and I fill them. Somethimg needs to be done about this!!!
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