"My quiet Mountain Town"

It was important that the first thing I do was look for work. I was told that finding work would not be a problem. Instead, the concern should be acquiring accommodation. I went down to the job centre and drew up my resume. There are a lot of things to consider when looking for employment which I wont go in to as it will only bore you. Short of the story is, it's not the greatest of ideas to get work on the mountain - its poorly paid. Anyways, I took my resume to Macca's. It's known as the best paid hospitality gig in town and also comes with cheap accommodation. I decided to go back and bug them today (as I hadnt heard from them for 24 hours and it was with them I was resting my hopes). So today I got my interview, my orientation and tomorrow I start at the same place that gave me my first employment experince - some 14 years ago. Im garunteed 40 hours a week, and I get 2 days a week off work, and I can choose my hours. Soon I will move out of the hostel and into the McDonald's house!
The haircut is crap!
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