The photo in my previous post is a mural I see everyday when I sweep the sidewalk out the front of the Cotel. Jimbo lived on the rooftop and wrote many of the songs for the Doors' debut album.
My days in Venice are coming to an end. I make a point of writing Venice as I have not left the area in close to a week. The furtherest I have been was on my walk to Santa Monica this morning. I wish I had made better use of the city this week but I think it was more important to save my money.
About four hours into the new year I will make my way to the airport for a reasonably priced flight to Calgary. This will conclude my time in the US.
I may have mentioned to some of you that I was interested in taking the train ride from LA to Vancouver and then the bus to Banff. I decided against this as it would be 38 straight hours in a train seat and then another 15 on a bus - something I had always questioned. It is also a financial decision to take the short flight and then the two hour bus ride from Calgary. So I will spend the night of January 1, 2007 in Calgary where I will get my visa at customs and my social security number in the city. I have two weeks booked at the hostel in the small town of Banff and in this time I hope to gain employment.
You may note a lack of comment about my time with Rick and Daz. I do not have any photos and feel that those who are interested will no doubt hear it straight from the horse's mouth (mmmm, horse!). But I will say it was unbelievable. A fantastic time! Great memories for many years to come. My fondest memories, and god there's a few of them, are (in no partiulcar order - and of course these could change at any moment but will do for now):
* Hitting the strip in the Mustang
* Barney's Beanery
* The 7th Veil
* That cool as hell deli in midotwn for breakfast
* Top of Rockefeller Center
* Thinking we were going to get good tickets for Letterman
* Waiting for the ferry at Staten Island
* That 3 pointer to take the Lakers into OT
* Drinks atop Muholland Drive
* In the Flamingo before we headed out
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