Banff Springs

So I have donned the Macca's kit and feel like a right twat. I have worked two days thus far. It seems I must being doing an ok job with customer service as they have kept me up front on the tills. I have also moved into the Ronald McDonald House on Cave Road. In the house are 8 young employees, and being young and possibly away from home for the fist time, the place is a bit messy to say the least. However, I am happy that I have a place to lay my head and it is in a room of my own that I get to do that. Well it will be a room to my own when the guy who was in there comes back and gets his stuff.... and before McDonald's recruits a new staff member, who will invariably be placed in my room. The house is about a 10 minute walk from work. Bow River, which sits across the road from home has frozen and now acts as a land bridge. It looks fantastic – what is usually a body of water about the width of the Yarra or the Torrens is now a blanket of white.
I am not at work today. I would like to think the next day off will be my first day on the mountain - I am itching to get up there. Before then I must go and buy some ski equipment which I think I have found at a fairly reasonable price. I will do this when I leave the library. I am also going to apply for a part time position on the mountain. Not so much for the money (altho that will help) but for the fact that all employees are given a free season ski pass and free transport.... quite a few thousand $s worth.
Im off to McDonald's now for my daily half price deli sandwich - Im sure that will grow tiring very soon.
Oh, i failed to mention the photo above is of the Banff Springs Hotel I went for a walk to this morning
Ok read that one as the temp rises here I could be envious that you are there giving things a go and sometime it will make a diff Haz
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