Writing of scallywag behaviour the pic below is of me posing with promotional headwear given to me when I bought my beer. See how u can learn about cultural differences when abroad; in Australia you usually get the stubby holder, but here in the north u get beanies. I have a couple of promotional beer beanies.
It was shortly after this photo was taken that my pal from Thunder Bay, Matt, and I headed into town (minus the hat). The slow drinker that I can often be, I hadn't quite finished my can of Kokanee so took it to drink the last bit on our walk - knowing quite well that I only had a small bit left and would finish it before arriving. So as we're walking, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police happen to drive by, do a u turn, come back towards us, turn their lights on and get out of the car. (By the way, the mounted police dont have little lights on the tops of the horses heads - RCMP get around in cars. Ive never seen one on a horse and question if they even have any horses). So they ask Matt and I for our ID and then the female police officer asks for my address. I had to apologise as I don't know it (cos all mail in Banff is sent to general delivery at the PO so there is no real need to know your address). She said well I better start to remember it bcos Im about to get a ticket. I politely told her it wasnt a matter of remembering, I never actually knew it to begin with. I told her I could show it to her (as it was only about a 100 metres up the road). Anyway, $115 fine which I thought was a little unfair. So Im going to have to head down and see the JP cos I don't care to pay it. And the reason why is because I see people throw their cigarette butts on the ground and they don't get jack. And when Im walking around town, if I see McDonald's trash on the ground, I pick it up and dispose of it thoughtfully. And what thanks do I get? $115 fine. I dont care too much for the RCMP - Ive heard of the same thig happenning to other people but they've also been thrown in jail for the night and made to sleep in a cold cell with only their singlet and boxers. It happened to a female fellow workmate and Australian. It seems I missed out on the jail time which kinda sux but then I guess in some ways not.
Anyway, it seems, 5am blogging only gives way to writing utter rot so back to the planning of that murder.
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