I guess I was looking for the season to continue as it also meant my involvment (in a passive sense) with Butler University. Now that my international studies are finished, I've left Indy, recieved my grades (3.93/4.00 GPA... sweet!), and the basketball season is finished, my association with the school is pretty much over. This is ok, I ony want two things from it; employment and fond memories. I think I'm guaranteed the latter.
As for employment, I sent a resume off to WIN Television in Orange, NSW (that's Banjo Patterson country) for the position of Trainee Camera Operator/Editor. This is what I want to get into and feel that my resume was quite impressive for application to a trainee position. It is strange that I have not heard back as I was told I would - maybe its just taking some time. While I would be less than ecstatic living in Orange, I would jump at this oppurtnity to break into the industry, albeit part time.
I'm half way through my stints at "Late Night". It certainly is different serving the inebriated and in some ways more enjoyable, but I won't mind getting back to a semi-regular schedule at the end of the month before I go zombie . Looking back at my blog I see that it's a year since I was in Mississippi, so I thought it would be appropriate to re-post my pic of a Macca's I took while down there. I remember it being very early mornng, very muggy and quite disturbing.
My hosuemate Karine and I decided to take a walk from Alberta to British Columbia the other day. While that sounds like a great effort it really just means we drove to the province border and made the short wak from one welcome sign to another. While over that way we visited Lake Louise and gatecrashed a party of Macleod Dixon Law firm in the Chateau. Lovely people.
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