The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Chateau Lake Louise - Spring
Ditto - Winter
In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.
I wish I had some video editing software so as to create a tongue-in-cheek montage (in much the same vain as these opening comments) of my rise within the McDonald's corporation. It would invariably have a soundtrack by Journey and would include all the stereotypical images of corporate success; soaking in a hot tub as I chomp on a big fat Cuban (cigar, that is); having my hair cut, pants tailored; and perhaps ending with me climbing atop the peak of a snowy mountain as the music reaches its crescendo (that last one may actually be a little more Rocky - but that's okay, its my montage and I can montage any images I care too). But, alas, I don't have the editing software and, anyway, such montages generally aren't an accurate protrayal of reality.
Infact, I find my role as manger to be much the same as when I was dogsbody. Its just now I do it with a tie on. But I guess there are some perks; slightly better pay, a very small cut of possible pofit, and having to taste test the fries. (I'm not kidding on that one, its part of my responsibilities. But, it's not so much that I care to eat the fries as it is just an amazing sense of power to be able to stand by that fry bay and pull out a chip for personal consumption, all in the name of quality control). But the most amazing perk, according to some young kids who were quizzing me about it the other day, is that as manager its all the food you can eat. Of course this could be a deadly trap, thus I keep my indulgences to the odd salad and parfait. And while said are a healthier option to traditional Maaca's fare, not much can be done about the monotony.
I have continued to ski up at Sunshine and at times the resort has lived up to its name with some partially clouded blue skys. Still cold tho! I hitch my rides and have been lucky to not have long wait times. Infact, yesterday, a fellow Adelaidean pulled up before my buddy, Matt, and I even got to our hitching spot. The same occurred upon my return - this time the ride was shared with some retirees from Canmore. I was going to include a photo of me at the start of "The Top of the World" run at Lake Louise, but cant as the person who took it lost their camera. Anyways, many of you will be familiar with the images above - its Chateau Lake Louise on the eastern shore of the emerald coloured lake of the same name. From where I was standing, the Lake is merely the size of a penny and was missed until someone pointed it out to me.
Below is a reverse shot of Lake Louise - it shows all the ski runs (minus the snow) in the background. From this image, you could pretty much work out where my photo was taken. And check out those glaciers -they were there when JC was getting around!!!

Oh and one more for good measure - I love this, Lake Louise at dawn.

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