Now that I have a new camera I am able to retrieve the few photos I had on my memory card. The photos are of, funnily enough, Canada! But east side when Mike the Mechanic and I drove the Cobalt from Indy to Toronto. It was on this road trip that I got a proper look at Niagara. I had tried a few years earlier but my efforts were thwarted when I tried to cross the border with a felon from NY, MC Casper.
I hear that the falls are now frozen, but back in November, about 5 million cubic feet of water were falling over the crestline every minute. (This of course is a useless comment cos what the hell does 5 million cubic feet of water every minute mean the hell to us. It does, however, sound impressive).
Niagara Falls comprises three water falls and here I am beside the most notable, Horseshoe. It may look like Im tempting fate with where I am sitting but there was a big landing just behind me - didnt want to end up like that kid in Superman, did I.
And here is a bird!
It was shortly after this point that my camera ceased to work.
But before we got to Canada, traveling along I-70 through Ohio I noticed that the town of Xenia (pronounced Zeen-yuh) was only a couple of miles off the beaten track and for this very reason it would generally be missed by tourists like Mike and myself. Yet being the freak that I am for films depicting the people of small American wasteland towns such as Xenia, I was aware of its existence because of a flick by the name of Gummo which was set in this very town of 25,000 inhabitants. For this reason, Mike and I decided to make a visit.
See the problem is, poor old Xenia supposedly never recovered from a tornado that cut a path directly through the middle of it, back in 74. To help explain Xenia a little further, I have taken these excerpts from IMDB about Gummo:
The film's chief protagonists are a couple of teenagers who kill cats and sell them to a butcher so they can buy glue to sniff.... This unflinching examination of "poor white trash" has garnered both glowing reviews and thunderous condemnations for its disturbing content and strange style, which is simultaneously hyperrealistic and surrealistic. In addition to drug abuse, the film profiles a broad range of issues including suicide, grief, homophobia, prostitution, sexual harassment, euthanasia and racism - all in a day in the life of small town USA.
Yes, I really do need to find some new interests! And also some sleep as it seems that late night blogging really only serves to jibber on about useless, somewhat irrelevant rubbish!
I stopped by here via "Another Man's Poison" and from comments there by "Rotten Robert." Nice blog. Interesting, entertaining and even educational. Although I lived in Niagara Falls, NY many, many years ago, I never knew the falls were actually three falls - always thought it was just two - the American Falls and the Horseshoe Falls! See, you can teach an old dog things once in a while afterall!
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