1 week down, 1 to go!

Hopefully I will be able to say that I was in Indy the same year the Colts won Superbowl. Tommorrow, Superbowl XLI will be a mid-west battle with the Indianapolis Colts taking on the Chicago Bears. The favourited Colts have have only visited Superbowl once, in 1969, when they were based in Balitmore.
One of the anticipated new commercials to be shown during the Superbowl broadcast may never actually be shown; a Nationwide Insurance ad features Britney Spears ex, Kevin Federline, working as a fry cook at a fast food joint while daydreaming about being a rap superstar. Annika Stensson, a spokeswoman for the National Restaurant Association said, "It's an insult to the 12.8 million restaurant workers in America. It's a negative, unfair and inaccurate reflection". I happen to think in my case, it's fairly accurate!
The Butler Bulldogs continue their winning ways, positioned at the #11 spot in the nation. Crazy I tell you. The can't really advance any higher onthe ladder due to the calibre of teams they will be facing in February, but as March Madness nears, I hope they can continue on to the Sweet 16 and beyond.
I'm still in Pincher where the landscape is interesting; to the west are the Rockies which extend in a latitudinal direction as far as the eye can see. To the east are prairies which continue on for a couple of thousand kilometres.
As I have exhausted my choice of images of Pincher Creek, I thought I may as well stick up a pic of my sister who has been hitting the red carpet, and the headlines, of late. Ha!
I'm still in Pincher where the landscape is interesting; to the west are the Rockies which extend in a latitudinal direction as far as the eye can see. To the east are prairies which continue on for a couple of thousand kilometres.
As I have exhausted my choice of images of Pincher Creek, I thought I may as well stick up a pic of my sister who has been hitting the red carpet, and the headlines, of late. Ha!
maybe you should have pointed out which one i am!
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