Eurasia Tour
Then its across the pond; "Yes, London. You know, fish, chips, cup of tea... bad food, worse weather, Mary-friggin-Poppins. London!" where I will see Ac and Daniel-son and baby. That will be a right laugh. I can't wait to see London again. Not much there that I didn't get done last time, tho u can reserve me a seat at The Prince Charles cinema (my favourite hang out). Also, I find West End shows to be a more affordable alternative to Broadway. Oh yeah and Courts!!!
From there, I will probably take the Eurostar under the English channel into France where I cant wait to meet with Caroline and Tito again and hopefuly stay with Amaury in his hometown Paris. (You may remember Amaury and our chance encounter with Jared from Subway). Yes it will be a feast for the ages with copious amounts of vin rouge and frogs legs in the Latin Quarter. Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!!
I'm thinking about grabbing a Eurail pass from there and heading into Germany (as I haven't been there) to see Mike the Mechanic. You may remember my video of Mike working on the Cobalt in Cleveland en route to Toronto. Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!!
From there I have to make my way back to London so I can fly to Norway. The chief reason for choosing my flight path to include Scandanavia is because I have always wanted to experience the phenomenon of the "Midnight Sun" that occurs in latitudes north of the Artic Cicle (and south of the Antarctic Circle) where the sun is visible at midnight (perfect for sitting back and listening to some Zeppelin; "We come from the land of the ice and snow where the midnight sun and the hot springs blow") . Nordkapp is genereally denoted as being the northern most point in Europe and has many days of midnight sun in the summer. Unfortunately, Nordkapp is not accessible by public transport and rental cars are an expensive aternative so this plan may or may not come to fruition. But I have a buddy I met in Hollywod Hostel, Arnulf, in January 06, who lives in Oslo so it will be cool to hang with him.
I then fly back to Heathrow to get out of Europe. I will spend a few days in Hong Kong which I can't wait to see!
Then its back in OZ. Yeah, yeah, yeah! This is where the difficult decision comes in. My boss here proposed that he give me 3 weeks off to go home but then he will fly me back to continue work at McDonald's until just before Christmas when he will fly me home. There are certainly benefits to this including:
* It would allow me to save enough money to support myself when I go back home in December
* I would have completed my management training at McDonald's and while I don't care to continue with a career in the corportaion, it would be further experince.
* I would be able to enjoy some warmer weather here in Canada, skip Adelaide's winter (which in reality is probably not much unlike a Banff summer) and then return to Oz for yet another summer. I like summer
* Be able to take my Eurasia tour with just a bacpack - and could leave all my stuff here and only have to deal with it during my direct return flight in December
Gaining a position at WIN Television would almost definetely have me return to Austraia for good. And while I look forward to returning to Adelaide and question my interest in spending such an extended period of time in the "Banff bubble" and McDoanald's, such a commitment could be worth it. Time will tell!
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