
While I have not joined a Frat, I spend some of my time at Lambda Chi Alpha - because it is over my back fence. They were excited about their big party the other night for having been banned from alcohol use for the past 2 and half years, Saturday night would mark the end of prohibition! Although, I heard the police entered later in the night and the party was abruptly ended as many are under 21 and therefore underage. My French pal and I went to the supermarket to buy some wine the other day. When we took it to the counter for purchase we were looked at in a funny way by the cashier and told it would not be sold to us... becasue it's Sunday and state law prohibits the sale of alcohol on this day of the week.
Here's a photo of me with Meghan and I believe, 'Foxxy', a fraternity member. Meghan is interested in studying in Sydney next year and I told her she has to go cos Australia is bonza mate!
yeah Joshie. You should pledge to The AXA. You get a brand and all that cool shit
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
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