Greek Life

These are popular at Butler with approximately 35% of undergraduate students choosing to become members.
Butler has 6 fraternities. Last night each house partied as they had their formal recruitment of new pledgers. These freshmen will spend this semester 'paying their dues' before they are accepted as a brother. Luckily for these freshman, 'hazing' is illegal in many states these days and therefore their pledgeship will involve more academics than alcohol and beatings.
The most appealing and unappealing aspect of these fraternities for me is the hosuing. A lot of alumni who now work for big companies put a lot of money into the 100 year old houses. Therefore, the entrance halls and lounge rooms of each of the houses resemble a gentleman's club with large fire places, leather lounge suites, dark woods and the walls adorned with framed parchments and artwork.
On the otherhand, upstairs in the bedrooms and bathrooms, life it quite dingy.
Will I join a frat group? Sigma Nu have expressed interest in me pledging (probably becasue there is a student in there who has just returned from an exchange to Flinders Uni). I kind of like Lambda Chi Alpha, which funnily enough my mate Kyam Maher is an alumnis.
Maybe I will pledge as I'm sure it would produce a few funny stories, but I dont think I want to live in a place like that! Hate to say I'm too old, but, I'm too old!
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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