Final Words
* I make regular entries
* I'm arrogant enough to think that what I have to share is worth doing so
And despite its lexical misgivings and frequent errors in syntax, it is complete, being;
206 posts(142 posted in the US, 64 in Canada)
41,996 words
295 images (197 personal, 98 pulled from the web)
31 videos (13 personal, 18 pulled from YouTube)
(A notably more comprehensive body of work than the product of my scholarly pursuits in 2006 - which may suggest the most relevant education is that of life)
Smoov Goes to College is really a tale of two stories - my time at Butler University and the US during 2006, and then in Banff National Park in the winter season of 2007.
It is difficut to pinpoint my time abroad somewhere along a spectrum of enjoyment but the last year has helped to fullfill an enduring desire I've had since a young age; to see what's over that hill.
And while the far side of that hill does not present too many talking Trans Ams or 8 foot 2 inch yellow birds hanging out on street corners, I do agree with one fellow South Australian blogger who recently posted, "(America ) is a place where so much of the mythology of my youth is set and it's a real mind spinner. A living fiction."
31 videos (13 personal, 18 pulled from YouTube)
(A notably more comprehensive body of work than the product of my scholarly pursuits in 2006 - which may suggest the most relevant education is that of life)
Smoov Goes to College is really a tale of two stories - my time at Butler University and the US during 2006, and then in Banff National Park in the winter season of 2007.
It is difficut to pinpoint my time abroad somewhere along a spectrum of enjoyment but the last year has helped to fullfill an enduring desire I've had since a young age; to see what's over that hill.
And while the far side of that hill does not present too many talking Trans Ams or 8 foot 2 inch yellow birds hanging out on street corners, I do agree with one fellow South Australian blogger who recently posted, "(
Anyways, thanks for visiting and as always...
Keep Rockin' in the Free World!
Keep Rockin' in the Free World!
Cheers to you Josh. What a crazy ride you have taken us all on. Thanks for doing so.
:o) JKOB
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