Palandromes and stuff
Here I am with Michelle. Michelle is Australian - her family home is around the corner from Liz' on North Road. Michelle is a great crew member because she goes beyond our 'Minimum 3 Flair Rule' (as you can see from all the badges on her shirt). Many crew members feel the bare minimum of three is enough, which is fine: but some, like Michelle, choose to wear more... and we encourage that. You see the thing is, people can get a cheeseburger anywhere, but they come to McDonald's for the atmosphere and the attitude. That's what the flair's about. It's about fun.
And my mo' is all about fun too. I think it really caps off my manager look. I'd also like to get my hair done in tight little curls to help cap off the look.
I have 7 days of work left and 7 days of work-free enjoyment. In exactly 2 weeks from now I will awaken, pack my bag and make the short walk to the Greyhound Station at 9pm, en route to New York.
While there is light at the end of the crappy-employment-tunnel, this could be shun by the fact that I may continue my relationship with Macca's.... at Glenelg!!! This is all dependent on how my mother goes in the interview process. You see, mamma bear is in talks with Greg at Glenelg and she is obviously doing a good job as Greg has not felt the need to respond to my emails. I'm not too worried - if I don't get work at Macca's I'm sure I can get into some sort of program out at Heritage.
If I am employed at Glenelg, I think my boss will get a suprise when he realizes that his newest employee is the same guy who came into his store a few summers ago to discuss what he proposes to do about all the red and yellow trash left on the foreshore. As my sister pointed out (who, by the way, is not involved in the interview process, but whom I may call upon for a reference), the reprecussions of my save-the-planet-attitude may have Glenelg mangement hand me a bag and gloves on my first shift.
Not long now Joshie. So, is this the beginning of the end, or the end of the beginning....
You'll be very suprised (please take note of the sarcasim) that I, the all mighty flared up Michelle has indeed been fired from McDonalds. Apparently walking off the floor in the middle of a shift yelling "Fuck You!" to the store manager isn't the best of ideas if one wishes to stay hired.
Anyway I'm now living with Melissa in the Grizzly House Staff accom... yes she was fired too - don't ask!
Hows things with you - hopefully going to plan!
- Michelle xox
Oh - by the way my e-mail is
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