
I was at a friends house the other night and saw a talking dog on Letterman. My friend missed it because he was out-back, taking a refill from his birthday keg. When he re-enterd the room I was telling him how he had just missed the talking dog and what a shame it was that he had. Now, I dont even have a tv at my house so you can imagine my suprise when he picked up the remote and rewound the television. He can pause, rewind, fast forward any channel he likes. Its kind of weird. But that's what makes America great: rewindable television, and talking dogs. Did anyone else see that talking dog?
Talking of late night tv, Jay Leno is coming to Butler during homecoming, but I think they are making it part of some black tie event for alumni, which is expensive and by invitation only. I know my department is not allowed to record him but maybe we will do the video for the big screens in-house. Of course, homecoming includes the big homecoming football game where the King and Queen are crowned. Hooray!
I have 10.5 weeks left at school. In that time we have Fall break and Thanksgiving. I have heard of a rafting trip in Virginia so I hope to get along to that.
I was asking some locals what they considered to be the number one things that a visitor to Indiana should see. The most common answer seems to be a trip to Bloomington to see an Indiana Hoosiers basketball game. So I will plan a trip when their schedule comes out
The Pacers season is starting soon. We are going to a game and I believe we get an oppurtunity to shoot a free throw at half time. Ive been in training for it - I may only ever get to take one shot on an NBA court in front of a huge crowd, so I want to make it.
Love your spirit Smoov
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