
I fullfilled my goal of riding the Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. The ride accelerates from 0 to 193 mph in just 3.8 seconds before rising to over 400 feet and then returning at a drop of 90 degrees. All that fun takes 25 seconds. It was quite the rush. Here I am at the park with the European contingent (all from Germany with the exception of the middle man, who is Dutch). And that's not "Frank" Habets waving, although he oftens remindeds me of him.
The roofs of many houses in Indianapolis have been undergoing maintenance since the hail storm caused much damage back at the start of the summer. I woke up at 4 the other morning to the sound of pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat. Opening my wardrobe door I was presented with a nice waterfall from the roof. Nah, it's goood!
I read that stingrays have been turning up dead and am wondering if we're now going to suffer from deforestation as a result of Brock's death. It seems there really is no limit to the depth of human stupidity.
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