4th of July

I took a photo the other day, but the older version of Windows which is installed on this pc does not support plug and play and thus I will have to find another computer in order to publish it. Until then I will include a pic from the web just to make things look good! Its the Indy Race Track. I took a tour the other day - that thing is big. As I awoke this morning I could hear the Formula 1 cars which are now racing around it for the US Grand Prix. It may be the last year that Indy hosts the GP.
I have an internship now at Sanders Group. They are a production company and I guess you could say that I am in the role of production assisstant. However, we have a few days off now while the country celebrates a time when "slave-owning, aristocratic, white males didnt want to pay their taxes", in what is all this American 4th of July brouhaha. No, just kidding! I will work at the baseball where I will be able to see both the park's and the city's fireworks display. And at the same time, I will get a rest from the next door neighbours crappy fireworks show which is put on each night and does a good job of initially shocking me into thinking someone is shooting up the neighbourhood.
I will also be taking a three week break from my new internship as I will be working with the 15 Australian students who are arriving from Macquarie University for their summer course in broadcasting. We will be taking them to NBC in Chicago one weekend. I will look forward to experiencing a warmer Windy City.
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