More stuff

It has been the largest time lapse between posts since I began the blog. And with that, some things have changed. Namely, the fact that Butler University looks like a ghost town with most students having left campus for the summer - including my international friends who have returned to their countries. I too have moved but even closer to school. I am at University Terrace where I will share an apartment with 'Kevin' for the next 3 months. It's beside a river on a tree-lined street in Rocky Ripple (gotta love that name). It was certainly an easier move than my last with it only taking an hour ot two to vacate the old place and move in here.
I am continuing to work at the baseball and am in the midst of trying to secure a summer internship position at Image Resources. It would be a great oppurtunity to get some hands-on experience, especially with the fact that they are starting to use HD. From looking at their website it seems they produce video settlement documentaries for attorneys. I have an interview later in the week and will keep my fingers crossed.
I wonder how much I will travel this summer - not much I would think due to fiscal concerns. However, I will probably visit my mate, Rockin' Mark Casper, in NYC for a week when we may head to Boston and then along to Cape Cod in Massachusetts.
Its been raining here a lot and they're having troubles getting the Indy 500 started.
Glad to hear you are still in the land of the living. I have been checking your blog whilst ignoring updating mine and feeling ironically indignant to repeatedly find that same roller coaster picture!
Goodluck with your interview! Hopefully you'll get the internship and then have money for travelling which I think is one of the best things about being an exchange student. I'm already getting excited about all of the places I plan to go in the summer holidays!
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
Hey Smoove,
I note there have been a few very positive comments about your blog recently. Mate, you really need to tell your mum to stop contributing as "anonymous"!!
If you are running short of funds you should sell off one of your pancreases and then live it up in Key West for the rest of summer.
I never relised that you were a freak with two pancrei!!
two pancrei - that's only the half of it. He is clearly the quad pancreid freak !!!!
There is only one.
Pancreas pan•cre•as n. (p ng kr - s, p n -)
“A long, irregularly shaped gland in vertebrates, lying behind the stomach, that secretes pancreatic juice into the duodenum and insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin into the bloodstream”
Is everybody right? God
People really should know better than to post foolish ideas like selling organs.
By the way.... the later posts are right ... a person only has one pancreas so you couldn't even sell it anyway ... :)
josh, this is Fernando dude,
how is it goin'? i know it must be kinda boring over there now that all the int'l students have left! life goes on man, you're gonna meet new people and have fun! by the way, your blog is cool man, you're funcking skillful, keep it that way. see ya dude, keep in touch!
My pancreas is clean... clean as a whistle...
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