Dr Pennypacker

I have been offered an internship at an undisclosed business downtown. The job mainly consists of spying! In hope that everything will come together regarding Visa issues, I will be working for a company that's contracted by businesses to go in and spy on their employees. My role will be to train people on how to use the spy camera. I will wire them using a range of different cameras; from the shirt buttonhole, to the mobile phone, to the trusty old briefcase. I will then edit that footage to make a package for each of the clients. I am told that in order to unsertand all apects of the job, I will start by doing a bit of spying myself. I hope they let me have an alais because I want to be able to say "Hello, I'm Doctor Pennypacker. A wealthy industrialist from the Arab Emirates. Show me your things". And I hope I get to wear a fake mostache.
On Ya Josh! That is the coolest. Send us some Dr Pennypacker spy footage sometime. As for the mo, I just found a ginger one in my shed stuck to an esky!! Go figure!!
Good luck my undercover brother. PS. Don't forget to mention your peeping tom experience in the next interview, that could make all the difference.
If you suspect someone wearing a wire don't forget to rip their shirt open exposing the taped on wire then yank the wire clear taking with it a great chunk of chest hair whilist shouting 'what the hell do you call this then...'
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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