J.C. Watts

Above is an undoctored self-portrait taken this evening at the Clowes Memorial Hall (which is next door to my home) prior to a lecture by J.C. Watts. As part of Butler's Distinguished Lecture Series, the African-American Republican spoke about, what I could gather, America's need to join hands and look for new ways to solve old problems. One small example of a new way to solve an old problem that Watt's suggested was to give every American citizen over 30 years of age, $500 every year their cholesterol is under 200. Watt's suggested it may reduce the number of triple by-pass operations performed on obese Americans each year. (Nice idea. Shell out $500 a year for 35 years vs a $100,000 operation. And at the same time gives people an incentive to live healthier lives).
The next speaker in the series is Bush Senior. For some weird reason, Butler is supposedly a liberal population in the thick of a rather conservative part of America. Nevertheless, complaints had been made that too many Democrats were being invited to speak (like Clinton who was here late last year). The university has obviously taken this into consideration by inviting Watts and Bush.
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