Me 'ouse

Welcome to my new look blog. Don't worry, you're sure to find the same fun and excitement that you've come to expect from 'Smoov Goes to College'. It's just another step we're taking to please you.
Last night I moved into my 22nd dwelling since the summer of '95. Here's a picture of it, straight across the road from me is the state governer resides. Conveniently located only a few minutes bike from Butler and right near the bus stop for downtown. This is where I will remain for the 'Fall' semester until I catch my ride out of here on December 8th. While I have great things to look forward to in December, I am certainly not wishing the time away as I am looking forward to my semester subjects.
This semster I will also be interning for Emiss Communicatons - a media company with broadcasting and publishing operations across the US. The company, which last year was listed in Fortune's '100 Best Companies to Work For', is known as much for its corporate culture as for its leadership position within the media industry (apparently) . I believe my role will be producing advertising content for web streaming. I am looking forward to this position but have just learned of an opening with the Indiana Pacers - ahhh, my dream of working with the NBA has been thwarted. Doesn't really matter as it would have been difficult to get there without transport, as one needs to be iin attendance for every home game, and come to think of it, you'd ned to stick around for the entire season.
I apllied for a job in Albury the other day. It was for a camera operator/editor at Prime TV (Channel 7 affiliate for those who aren't privy to regional television). I think my resume read well and I know I could do the job (as that's pretty much what Ive been studying this year) but it did call for someone experienced. It didn't, however, rule out the possibility of offering the position to someone new to the industry. Either way, I wont hold my breath!
Just as a side note - did you know that if you type in you get a "mega site of Bible, Christian and Religious Studies - and incredible testimony proving that the bible is true" ? I freaked out a bit, I mean I now you said your blog was new and improved but hey... Thank goodness for the smooTHer site
Halleluiah Brother...
Hi Jo
Yeah I sometimes accidently type in to find that bible site - but have since realised it was a mistyping problem
Yeah, nah, ya know like... It's alright ey
Yeah, I had to set up that word verification because Im getting heaps of spam and its one way to prevent it....Gib!
And 'Trev' - is that you Dicko?
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